
Here you can find information abou the organizer of the summer school and lecture day.

Dr. Ctirad Hofr received his Ph.D. from biophysics at the Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic in 2000. He was a postdoc at the Department of Chemical Biology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA in 2002 and 2003; and at the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Pharmacology, Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in the two subsequent years. Since 2005 he works in the Chromatin Molecular Complexes, CEITEC, Masaryk University as a principal investigator of LifeB – Laboratory of Interaction and Function of Essential Biomolecules. He spent seven scientifically very fruitful and enjoyable months at the BioFrontiers Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA in 2013 and 2014. He uses advanced fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy techniques for studies of telomeric nucleoprotein complex formation on chromosomal DNA. He is the coordinator of the annual summer school of modern approaches in experimental biology and other regularly prepared practical workshops.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692298.
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